Kathy Kaminsky headshotEnglewood Health News

Organization of Nursing Leaders Elects Kathleen Kaminsky to New Jersey Board of Directors

November 30, 2022 — Kathleen Kaminsky, MS, RN, NE-BC, senior vice president of patient care services and chief nursing officer at Englewood Health, has been elected to serve on the Organization of Nurse Leaders (ONL) of NJ 2023–2024 board of directors.

The mission of ONL NJ is to engage and develop nurse leaders in advocacy, research, education, mentorship, and collaborative relationships.

Serving on the board of directors, Kaminsky will work to influence healthcare policy and delivery in New Jersey; promote diversity, equity, and inclusion; educate nurse leaders; foster networking; and integrate research and innovation in strategic initiatives.

“Nursing is an ever-growing profession and, as leaders, it is our duty to change and advance along with the profession,” she said. “I am honored to be chosen by ONL membership to impact the voice of nursing leadership in New Jersey.”

Kaminsky has dedicated over three decades to the profession of nursing. During her tenure as chief nursing officer, Englewood Health received a transformational philanthropic donation from The Kaplen Foundation and its president, Maggie Kaplen. The $10 million gift – the largest in health system history – established The Kaplen Institute for Nursing Excellence, which fosters education, professional development, scholarship, and mentorship opportunities for nurses.

With a vision toward the future of nursing, Kaminsky will help lead current and future nursing professionals at Englewood Health in their mission to deliver high-quality patient care and improve clinical outcomes.

The 2023–2024 board of directors will be installed at the Annual Awards Meeting at Forsgate Country Club on December 2.